Thursday, 16 December 2021

The MASTER WEAPON for life

When we get fail at a certain task, we always complain about the external factors- weather, poor health, other people, lack of resources, lack of time and so many others. Can we call these as excuses? No, these are not excuses obviously. They seem to be genuine reasons. But if they are becoming hinderance in your progress, aren't they required to be vanished? So despite of finding the solution 'externally' let us peek in some 'internal issues'.

Oh Rashi, which internal issues you're talking about?
Haha... be patient we are going to discuss it DEEPLY. After all it's about LIFE ;->

Firstly, let us do a simple and small exercise. Close your eyes for a minute and just figure out your life problems. It can be financial, familial, related to your partner, friends, work, it can be related to you. It can be anything, minor or major.

Opened eyes? ugh... so many problems na? Don't worry, you can find a solution for that. Of course, the solution is going to be difficult but how the life will exist if there is no difficulty? oh that internal issue thing? Ya we're coming on that. Let's find the solution! Aren't you excited to make your life simpler at least in your imagination? haha sorry to mock you lol! Let's go!

You can take a paper and pen and write down the problems (in short for your reference and clarity)
Note that there are some issues with people like, not so good boss, irritating people around you, never convincing parents, non understanding partners, traitors(mostly friends) and so many. You have to accept that you can't change the mentality of these peeps and should leave some issues unsolved. Remember the prayer of serinity!

God, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

You may notice, most of the problems are having cause indirectly related to your MENTAL or PHYSICAL HEALTH. 
  • Disturbed/frustrated mind
  • Lack of confidence
  • lethargy/idleness
  • hygienic problems
  • Health related issues- diseases
and others which you may notice. That's the issue I was talking about- 'THE INTERNAL ISSUE'.
I know it's such a basic factor and that's why it's so important too. We take these fundamental things for granted. But you have to make your life better if you intend to. It's your choice, Be yourself or better yourself ;-) 

Hope you have heard about 'Body shaming'. If you're going through such situation, accept that every body is beautiful in itself. But don't interpret the concept improperly. Most of the girls like themselves as they are and that's the beautiful thing to accept and love yourself. But if this version of yourself is ceasing you to grow, it's better to get aware and keep improving yourself. If you're too chubby, are you active all the time? Obviously, you won't be. The fat in your body will decrease the efficiency of your mind as well as body. Everybody has different shapes and size- rounded, rectangle, hourglass, triangle & inverted triangle. This is the concept, never ever mock anyone for it's body shape. You too accept the way god has created you until it bothers you to grow. If it does so, wake up and start a diet and workout plan, not to get SLIM but to get FIT. If you're already fit, you too need some physical activities(if you're not doing any such activity) but you're not in alarming state in terms of physical health, but what about mental health? it's important too.

Exercising can make your mind healthy too! How? Any physical activity helps you to relax the muscles of body and releases the tension in the body. YOGA is the best practice ever known to calm your mind. Apart from these methods, some other things should be kept in your mind for a better mental health. 
  • Stay away from negative peeps. If they're part of your life try to maintain a distance from them. Some situations are there when these people discourage you, but try to figure out the situation if actually you're at fault- apologize politely, improve yourself silently and celebrate your success loudly!
  • Do journaling. It'll help you when your life has become so much complicated that you've never imagined such situations will occur. Your diary will be your best friend to listen to you without judging you.
  • Do a ME TIME! Do whatever you love to do. Paint, draw, sing, dance, anything which makes you happy, which takes you to a world where you meet yourself and nobody else.
  • Watch comedy shows or cartoons. It's childish but can't you become a child for sometime for your tiny brain? At least watch shinchan if nothing else.
  • Meet your favourite people. It makes us happy.
  • Travel to your happy place. Travel wherever you always wanted to be. Ya, it's expensive and time consuming but it's worth it. At least travel to nearby natural destinations if nothing else;-)
Take a break from your busy schedule and do whatever you want and whatever makes you happy.

Most of these things are simple and less effort taking but some are much effort taking. Exercising is the most difficult task for some people that they don't even bother about their health. Now it's time to make yourself aware just for the sake of you, not for anybody else. Get up, make a choice, make a decision, make yourself prepared for the obstacles, fall 100 times, figure out your mistakes, get up, try try try, get succeed, reward yourself and keep going! Never stop!
Have a better life;-)

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